American Legion Post No. 1231, Lake in the Hills, Illinois

American Legion Post No. 1231, Lake in the Hills, Illinois

Video Gaming at American Legion Post 1231 in Lake in the Hills, IL

The American Legion Post No. 1231, located in Lake in the Hills, IL, is the largest post in the McHenry County area. This makes it a pretty cool place for a convenient video gaming location.

The American Legion Post No. 1231 is built on four main pillars: Americanism, service to veterans, strong national defense, and care and education of Children. It’s why the American Legion Post No. 1231 has developed their robust Player PAYBACK™ rewards program. Interested in winning free pizza and $5 in match play? Just register for the program and sign in at the terminals over multiple days. Pool J&J Gaming points for additional merchandise.

Food, Drinks, & Entertainment in Lake in the Hills

Aside from having a great video poker scene, the American Legion is also the nation’s largest association for veterans and their families. The American Legion Post No. 1231 sponsors different youth teams and scout tribes and even has their own baseball team. They also participate in local events like parades, festivals, and bike runs.

When veterans join the American Legion Post No. 1231, they’re gaining many benefits outside of the Player PAYBACK™ rewards program that they wouldn’t find anywhere else. Members get a large second family, a sense of belonging, Legion Post Bar membership, reduced banquet hall rates, fish fry nights, and much more. This includes many beneficial programs for all veterans.

The Legion Bar at the American Legion Post No. 1231 not only offers great prices, but they also have five high-quality video gaming machines for their members and guests. Consider this place the solution to Lake in the Hills video gaming shortage.

The new banquet hall can be rented out by both Legion and non-Legion members for special events such as birthdays and wedding rehearsals. Get your game on and show your support for your community: visit the American Legion Post No. 1231.



Gaming Promotions:

Player PAYBACK™ $5 Match Play Offer and Free Pizza Offer.

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