J&J – Helping Bring Joy to the Christmas Season!
J&J was hard at work to provide some light for our local seniors during this holiday season.
Employees of J&J assisted MyMemoryWorx by assembling gift boxes to provide to our local seniors in need. The gift boxes are filled with items donated by our generous community and so much more.
The effects of COVID-19 strike everyone differently and many of our local seniors are in need of in-person care, screenings and interventions that the virus has interfered with. MyMemoryWorx hopes that providing these gift boxes to those in need can bring our seniors some much needed Christmas Joy!
About MyMemoryWorx
MyMemoryWorx provides memory loss screenings, brain health education, and non-pharmacological interventions particularly focused on those with impairment or a neurological disease.
For more information about MyMemoryWorx, the Parkinson’s support group (named Parkinson’s Institute of Effingham), and the new Parkinson’s exercise program, contact Kelly Willenborg at willenborgkelly@gmail.com or (217) 254-2149.
To see a list of all charities J&J contributes to, please click here.
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